Contemplative Prayer

I want to offer a time of contemplative prayer. A season of intentional hiddenness with God that allows God time to speak into our core being. A time of posturing ourselves before God. A time of inner healing and growth through communion with the Master Healer Himself.

I can’t promise you results, but I can promise you that God is faithful. I can tell you that God has not abandoned His people. I can tell you that we often find ourselves lost, not because of His guidance but despite it.

Here is the Agenda for our season of prayer.

8-8:15                  Introduction for the day
8:15-8:45             Prayer Session 1
8:45 – 9:00          Break with Interaction
9:00 – 9:30          Prayer Session 2
9:30 – 9:45          Break and Interaction
9:45-10:00          Responding to God through journaling and pondering
10:00                   Closing Blessing

What to expect

We will use three different prayer types, to begin with. Anyone can find a place of communion, you don’t need to be a professional prayer to use these tools to fellowship with God. But, like all tools, the more you use them the more skill you will gain.

1. Centering Prayer. In this form, you focus on a word or short phrase to help your mind and heart keep connecting to God. Often people start with the name of Jesus or an expression of God like love, hope or joy.

2. Prayer of Invitation. This is where you rest in the Lord and with the help of the Holy Spirit identify pain, emotions, situations or expressions of your life that you want God more involved in. Once you have in your mind a situation, you take time and ask God into that situation. Often the image of Jesus knocking on the door helps us see His wiliness to come into our life situations.

3. Prayer of Exam. This is a season of prayer where you look over your life and with the help of the Holy Spirit ask for illumination on where God has encountered you over the last day, week or month. It is a spiritual review of your life with the intention of learning from the past how God has sought you out, but you may have been to busy to notice or to respond. 


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