How to Pray Torrey/Drury
How to Pray by R A Torrey
Spiritual Formation Edition
Redneck Mystic Media has republished this classical work by R A Torrey in it's original nineteenth century edition with the addition of reflections, introductions and spiritual activities. This edition will allow the reader to hear the original heart of Torrey and avoid modernization and editing.Here are the chapter listings. I have been a part of the prayer movement for decades and still I gained insight and perspective from this book. I was encourage to pray, grow in intercession and my faith was encouraged. I hope the same and more may happen to you.
The Importance of Prayer
Praying unto God
Obeying and Praying
Praying in the Name of Christ and According to the Will of God
Praying in the Spirit
Always Praying and Not Fainting
Abiding in Christ
Praying with Thanksgiving
Hindrances to Prayer
When to Pray
The Need for a General Revival
Why a General Revival is Needed
The Place of Prayer Before and During Revivals
Author Bio
Reuben Archer Torrey was born on January 28, 1856 in
Hoboken, New Jersey to Reuben and Elizabeth. His parents were Christian and his
mother was a woman of prayer. His family was affluent for the first part of his
life; his father was a successful banker and lawyer. Torrey was extremely shy
and never spoke up in front of visitors. Although he grew up in a Christian
home Torrey did not make a personal commitment to Christ. Once he read a book
on becoming a Christian and was convicted that God might be calling him to
become a preacher. That did not appeal to him and he decided to become a
lawyer. He went to Yale University at 15 years old and started to lead a
worldly life.
Torrey's conversion came in a very dramatic way. One
night in 1875, while still at Yale, he had a dream in which his mother came to
him as an angel and asked him to preach the gospel. The fight was on!
Immediately he was overcome with a desire to kill himself. His mother, miles
away, was awakened by God to pray for him. Torrey came to his senses and knew
that he must pray. He knelt and said "Oh, God, deliver me from this
burden. I'll even preach!" Immediately he was overcome with a sense of
peace. He graduated in the summer of 1875 and went on to Yale Divinity School.
He also began to evangelize. He still found it difficult to speak in front of
an audience and had to hold onto a chair to even give a talk in front of a
Complete Bio here
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