Simple Prayer

Simple Prayer

Prayer is communing and communicating with God. Both communion and conversation are accomplished with our body as well as our words. Which one of us hasn’t experienced the sarcastic “whatever.” Or the “no problem” when asked to do the difficult and problematic.

So, what does God see beside our words? When God looks at us praying does He see our heart, our emotions, our desires?  Yes, Father God see all that is in us. Even if our words are weak, unimpressive, God responds to the cry of our heart.

Simple prayer is about reducing the words and promoting the cry of the heart. It is about giving you the opportunity to take the focus off what you say and place it on beholding the Lord.

As you go through the Lord’s Prayer below, allow your emotions, desires, and thoughts to carry you to the Lord. Find a breathing rhythm that allows you to breathe in deep the Father and then exhale the prayer word. As you breathe in, take all of God that you can. Using your eyes of faith to see the Holy Spirit coming into a fresh and anew with each breath.

As you breathe out whisper the word from the heart. Allow yourself to feel the need you express. Imagine how the triune God is the answer to your prayer.  See God as a Father who loves you, protects you, cares for you. All that has happened to you, He cares about and wants to redeem it so that even pain and hardship are used for you good.


Here is the Lord’s Prayer with simple prayer words added.

"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name (HOLY). 'Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven (YOUR WILL). 'Give us this day our daily bread (GIVE). 'And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (FORGIVE). 'And do not lead us into temptation (LEAD), but deliver us from evil (DELIVER).
Matthew 6:9-13 NASV

Read the passage a few times and then start with the word that is most meaningful to you at that moment. God often uses our emotions to attract and lead us.

Then enlarge your need in your heart and rest in the confidence that God already knows what you need but is moved by your desire for Him and spending time with Him communing over who you are and what you need. It is OK to have many words in your mind but try to have few on your lips. Speak slowly. Give energy to your heart. You may even find that lying prostrate, kneeling, or curling up on the coach is the best way for you to intercede in this fashion.

Other words to help the keywords be meaningful.

Holy – uncreated, perfect, worthy, weighty, impressive, not like humanity
Your Will – Wisdom, insight, beauty, solutions, desire, longing
Give – provide, supply, gift, grant, favor, hold near
Forgive – remove, restore, cancel, redeem, put aside, disregard
Lead – direction, revelation, wisdom, shepherd, bring, intend, carry

Deliver – Keep, protect, security, safety, rescue

How To Pray, Spiritual Formation Edition might help build your prayer life.


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