Holiday Prayers

4 Holiday Prayers from Luke 

Life is busy, and the demands are many this time of year. While the darkness fills more of our days than light, we make preparation for the light to come. We long for both the appearing of Jesus and the return of the long days of the sun.

We know that both, Jesus, and light make a difference in our life. It is a metaphor and it is a reality. Jesus brings to us the beginning of the end of the reign of darkness. The life and light of God have been birthed in our world. We now love and care for Jesus among us. We watch over Him as He grows in our midst.

Four short prayers can be extracted from the storyline in Luke chapter 1. Prayers that we who seek the appearing of the Lord in our lives can join in praying. Prayers that occur in the fast pace of life, in the circumstances of giving birth, of travel, and in celebration.

I have reduced these prayers down to simple sentences that we can offer to God as we go through our day. They are simple in expression, not in outcome. Profound consequences are produced as lives in harmony communed with God. It does take both, the word and the deed, the prayer, and communion. But since both word and deeds are required in living a life of prayer, let’s do both.

As you live this holiday season, pray. May these simple prayers serve you well as you encounter the Lord in daily life. May you find hope among the busyness, the Spirits infilling among the burden you bear. And in the end may you magnify God; smiles, warm hearts, and great joy excepted in the celebration of the Light of the World.

The 4 Prayers

“Father, remove my shame.”
“Nothing is impossible with God.”
“Fill me with your Spirit.”
“My soul magnifies the Lord.”

“Father, remove my shame.” (Luke 1:8-25)

This is from Luke 1:25. Elizabeth has desired a child, but it has not happened. She represents those of us who have unfulfilled hopes and dreams. But God has moved, and her bareness has been replaced with a new life growing in her. Her comments in this verse reveal a mind and heart that have battled feelings of guilt, shame, and disgrace. But now grace has come.

In long-lasting battles it is hard to stay positive. When others know our desires and look on as we struggle with unanswered prayers, we can take on the burden of shame. Always ask Father God to remove the shame. If you could have changed the situation you would. In the timing and wisdom of the Lord, you stand in grace, yet the longing lingers. We all want to know why our desires are not met. We want to know so that we can fix it.

It is easier to release our shame to God when the desires are fulfilled. But this season all your desires may not be fulfilled. Pray this prayer. Keep longing for all that God has for you. And asks the maker of your heart to watch over it. Fight against shame by living a life trusting God. I hope God births in you all that you desire in Him. But if not, resist shame.

“Nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:26-38)

In Luke 1:37 the angel declares to Mary that “nothing is impossible with God.” It is a moment in Mary’s life when she cannot see how God can do what He has promised. Holidays seasons can be filled with impossibilities.

Money, relationships, weather, and strength are just a few of the impossibilities that may emerge this holiday season. How can God work this out? How can I do what I feel God wants me to do? I know we have often been given a gift on Tuesday that became the only food we had in the house on Wednesday. How we felt someone needed some encouragement and the gift card in the mail to us became the gift we handed to them. Over and over I have seen how the impossible often happens overnight.

As you go through your day, as you wonder how in the world am I going to do what God is asking you to do, say this prayer. Take a deep breath. Relax and allow your heart and mind to rest in God. Nothing is impossible for Him. A great many things are improbable for us. But in a moment accomplished by God.

“Fill me with your Spirit.” (Luke 1:39-45)

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. It allowed her to see the unseen possibilities of God. This infilling allowed Elizabeth to offer blessing and thankfulness. We want to be people filled with the Spirit so that blessings and thanksgiving flow out of our lives.

The Spirit often provides power. The strength that can be used to live life well and be used to speak blessings. Rejoicing in a part of this time of year, and you most likely need strength to do that. Maybe as you sit at the table late at night wrapping gifts, or as you drag yourself to the door after your ninth Christmas program you can whisper a prayer to the Lord, “fill me with your Spirit.”

“My soul magnifies the Lord.” (Luke 1:46-56)

God has done great things for us and those in the world. We can always find more needs to meet. We can always find something waiting to be done. But we can also find a never-ending list of things God has done. We can take the time to magnify the Lord, to see how good and great He is.

Start with your own soul. What hope, love or grace has God bestowed on you? Do you still find His love when you ponder your salvation? Do you cherish His healing touch, His peace, His joy in tribulation?

And what about His life flowing through you? Can you magnify the Lord for loving others through you? Can you see how friends, family, and neighbors are places on earth God touches through you? Take a moment and see His light in you, lighting up your soul, your home, your family.

Mary magnified the Lord and Jesus hadn’t done anything yet. Faith often asks us to pre-magnify. Before it happens, we are glad and see through eyes of faith a promise given. This is how we pray for our loved ones. This is how we hope in the darkness.

My soul magnifies the Lord. The darkness is ending. His light has come. A new day is dawning. A day of hope, healing, and celebration. Jesus Christ is born and reborn again and again in my life as I walk through the holiday season- prayerfully.

Links to books I have written

Jesus is Born - a book for children to interact with the chronological order of the birth of Jesus.
The Coming of the Lord - a short devotional reflection
How to Pray, Spiritual Formation Edition


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