Rejoice and Be Glad

Do you want to increase the joy and gladness in your life?

Are you tired of being discouraged and depressed?

I know we often over promise and under deliver, but God has made a way for us to rejoice and be glad. God is wise and knows how to help us in our troubles. God is good and does not just wait for us to discover Him, but seeks us out. God is a Shepherd leading and seeking. I hope God is using me to find some people looking for help in gladness!

I have been working on a thirty day plan to increase joy or gratitude in my life. Right now I am compiling a booklet to help others try what I have tried. But I wanted to get this simple prayer plan out there for those who might be looking for some prayer help this Thanksgiving season. This plan will be one of the extras that I include in the booklet.

You can go to Slide Share and download a PDF copy or you can copy and paste from here. The Slide Share version is better if you want to use it as a handout.

I have also just republished How to Pray by R A Torrey. In this new edition I have added reflections and activities to help people in their spiritual formation. I am also working on a Ebook edition so let me know and I will let you know when that is in publication.

Prayer is serious business. Prayer is also foundational to joy, gladness, celebration and enjoying life in general. Those who pray much should also be enjoyable to be around, full of hope and rejoicing in what God has done. Sadly, much of our prayer time is focused on fixing problems or interceding for the never ending needs of our world. Prayer can turn into a time of endless burden bearing and refreshing, joy and gladness can flee away. Sure, life is not all about being happy, but some of it is. Even some of our prayer times should center on delighting ourselves in God.

The following prayer plan is focused on gladness. Strangely, in God’s agenda, gladness is discovered through the realization of what sin does and the blessings that forgiveness brings. In just a short while from now, your gladness can increase and the weight of this world can be reduced off your shoulders. God has grace for you. Grace to give you hope and encourage your spirit, to break the power of past failures. Your soul can be renewed as you wait on God and ponder what He has done for you.

How To
As you go through the following passages of Scripture and reflections spend time where you feel the Holy Spirit is connecting you with the Father. If an exercise does not help you connect, just more on to the next one. The goal is not the finish, but to fellowship with God and have gladness arise in our soul.
Prayer is conversation and communion with God. So use the Scriptures to talk with God. Seek God’s perspective and insights. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Be patient with yourself and God, allowing time for the conversation to unfold.

Special Note to those whose life is hard.
Sometimes life is hard, and we just don’t have the energy to invest in pressing into God. The power of pain and anxiety can distract us, rob us of the hope of ever encountering the Lord. Prolonged pain can embitter our soul, causing anger toward God for allowing or not removing our pain. If you are in that place do not despair. Instead, just focus on the first verse. Read and recite these twelve words as you rest in the Lord. Even if you are depressed or defeated, simply give your weakness to God and position yourself in His hands as you offer back to God His words on blessings and forgiveness.

Psalm 32:1-11[i]  A Psalm of David. A Maskil.

Focus 1

(1)  How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!  (2)  How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit!  (3)  When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away Through my groaning all day long.  (4)  For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer. Selah. 

·         Words to Ponder
o   Blessed
o   Forgiven
·         What happens when you confess and turn from your sin?
·         What happens when you hold onto your sin, forgetting about it or trying to deal with it by neglect?
·         Why does God seek to remove sin from our lives? What is God seeking to do by having us live forgiven lives?


Focus 2

(5)  I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I did not hide; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"; And You forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah. 

·         Words to Ponder
o   Acknowledge
o   Confess
o   Guilt
·         Make a list of specific sins you would desire for God to remove from your life. Now ask God to forgive you and acknowledge His loving kindness to you expressed in forgiveness.
·         What sins and guilt are you glad to get rid of?

Focus 3

(6)  Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found; Surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach him.  (7)  You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

·         Ponder the idea that a time may come when you are in need of God and yet God is not to be found.
o   Do you tend to neglect God until you need Him?
o   Do you value what God offers you today or do you assume it will always be there?
o   How can you rejoice today because today you are able to find the Lord, forgiveness and the removal of guilt?
·         Are you glad that God has made a way for you to talk to Him, to have fellowship and conversations with Him?
·         In Scripture, “waters” is an image of people of humanity at times. How would a flood of people, the demands and issues of people keep you from reaching the Lord?


Focus 4

(8)  I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.  (9)  Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, Whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check, Otherwise they will not come near to you.  (10)  Many are the sorrows of the wicked, But he who trusts in the LORD, lovingkindness shall surround him.  (11)  Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.

·         The bit and bridle control by controlling the mouth. In what ways does our mouth, what we say, affect our gladness? How do your words keep you away from God?
·         Compare and contrast the rewards and the sorrows of those who live life the way God intends.
·         How does God instruct and teach you?
·         Lovingkindness surrounds you. Instead of darkness, troubles and fear,, lovingkindness is what every believer is surrounded by. Is that your world view? Should it be?
·         How has this season of prayer and scripture helped you rediscover joy, gladness and delight in what God provides for you today?

Additional Exercises

1.       Take the words “blessed” and “forgiven” and make a list of words describing each word.  IE: B = belong to God, L = loved, E = empowered by His spirit, S = Sacrificed Himself for me, S = Suffered for me, D = Delivers me from all evil.

2.      Go back over the Psalm and write a short phrase or prayer that summarizes each section. When you are done you will have four short prayers that can help you live a life of gladness.

3.      Go back through the Psalm and pick out the phrases that specifically call you to joy, gladness and rejoicing. Summarize or rewrite these statements so that you can easily hold them in your mind.

4.      Make a list of all the things you enjoy because you are forgiven.

5.      God is our hiding place and preserves us in times of trouble. How do you hide in the Lord? Are you aware of how you hide in God and how would you describe that to others to help them find shelter in God also? In what ways does God preserve you? How has God taken you through, around, and over situations? How does God preserve you in the midst of situations?

6.      Use the Psalm as a songbook but you must create the tune or music yourself. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing with thanksgiving and joy. Celebrate what God has done for you.

7.      Make a list of questions that are answered in this Psalm. Questions like “who is blessed by the Lord” and “what does unconfessed sin do to your body?” This list is a simple way to ponder God’s truth and provision.

8.     Go through the Psalm and choose several words that impact you from this passage. Write one word on a different sticky note or note paper and post them around your home or office for a week. When you see the note take a moment and be glad for what God has done.

[i] "Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®,


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