Prayer, Joy and Anxiety
Prayer, Joy and Anxiety
If you want to have a prayer life, and not just a life of
spiritual grumbling and complaining, this passage from Philippians below needs
to become a regular part of your diet. Without a call to rejoice and give
thanks, we who pray for the needs of others and our nation, can start to sink
into darkness. The best of people, the glad hearted, the cheerful, can crack
when they carry the weight of the world for long periods of time. Even when the
Lord is our strength, we need His spirit, hope and joy to carry on in the right
Rejoicing X 2 helps us have the right kind of spirit toward
mankind. A joyful spirit also benefits us in being aware of the nearness of the
Lord. Yes, there is a time for the fear of the Lord, for being serious. But we
must also learn about serious joy. A joy not of this world and not conditioned
upon what is happening in the world.
Php 4:4-7 NASB4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Many of us strive to have the benefits of God without
following His ways. How many of us have tried to believe our way out of anxiety?
How many of us have failed to invest in acquiring a gentle spirit toward
others, desiring the anointing, or gifts or a position of title would be all
that we needed to fulfill our calling?
Let me challenge you with a spiritual discipline. Over the
next thirty days, spend as much time giving thanks to God as you do making
request and in intercession. This thanksgiving is not the same as expressions
of love and devotion. Thanksgiving is gratitude, communicating what God has
done for you and others. Joy is a part of expressed thanks, joy not so much in
what God will do but in what God has already done. God’s faithfulness, His
intervention, His guidance will be brought to mind and joyful emotion of
thanksgiving will emerge in response. The fruit of that kind of prayer will be more
Today when you face cancer, war, disease, poverty and all
the ills of humanity, balance your heart and be aware of history. God has been
faithful throughout every generation. Rejoice – a lot. Be glad. Allow yourself
to see who the Lord is both now and forevermore.
“Rejoice” in the letters of Paul
NASB Rom_12:15;
Rom_15:10; 1Co_7:30;
1Co_12:26; 1Co_13:6;
1Co_16:17; 2Co_2:3;
2Co_7:9; 2Co_7:16;
2Co_13:9; 2Co_13:11;
Gal_4:27; Php_1:18;
Php_2:17; Php_2:18;
Php_2:28; Php_3:1;
Php_4:4; Col_1:24;
1Th_3:9; 1Th_5:16;
If you want a read that includes "joy" you might want to try C. S. Lewis. The book is not focused on "joy" but is full of thoughts and ideas, encounters and worldviws that will help us be mindful of the Lord and be glad.
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