Jesus didn't do the most he could with his life.

Jesus failed in maximizing his life.  For 30 years he lived in hiddeness.  There were years where the sick died, the blind did not see and where the gospel of the kingdom was not proclaimed.   Even after he began his public ministry,  Jesus failed to do all that he could do. Why?

As the spirit of consumerism grows, so does the notion that Christianity is a religion of choosing.   It is popular to use Christianity as a tool for self-fulfillment or personal significance.  "Be all you can be" is a popular expressed moto for good Christian living.  But Jesus was not all that he could have been.  Why?

The water of life does not flow based on being productive.  Life flows from obedience to God and God values relationship.  Loving God is an activity that results in holiness and if your love for God is not producing a more virtuous you, then it is not authentic love.  This unproductive,  productive lifestyle of waiting, resting, listening and good old patience is working in us the kingdom of God. 

Many rush to do the work of the ministry but the ministry has not worked in them.  Frantic to have a fire for God, yet having no divine blaze in themselves, they do the best the natural man can do.  They work at making on the outside what lacks in the innerman.  This unholy fire we make tends to be made by rubbing two people together to create friction.  We use judgements, competition and comparison to make a fire.  Then we call this human bonfire- God.

All who minister for the Lord should do so out of a spirit of contentment.  We ought to have enough security in Christ as not to need the approval or applause of others. This is most visabe through the faith we express by living our lives in a "wait on God" fassion. When our own souls are restless, unable to wait, not at peace, in need of production to verify our love for God; we should confess our sin rather than hide it under the deception of production.  Allow these words to be harsh now and the Lord's words may one day be kind.  Many will come on the day of judgement and be rejected.   God not knowing us is a matter of relationship,  not production.

Why did Jesus fail to maximize the production of His life?  It was not what the Father desired.  Obedience will produce enough results,  it just won't produce all the results we were capable of.  Life involves doing.  It also involves more than that.


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