God's Emotions Toward Me
Have you ever taken a day or several hours and inquired from the Lord His emotions toward you? Without using what you have been told, without choosing the answers from scripture or someones teachings, you wait on God to speak. Reading the Psalms can help your heart to hear how kind and how severe the Master can be.
But why do this? Why not build our lives upon the words of others? Why should we wait on God to hear, when we can read the scripture and choose what He is saying to us? The answer is reality!
Why build your life on second hand revelation or assumption. Have the courage to hear the truth from God himself. Offer your presumption on the alter of sacrifice and give your lifes time to God through active listening. His harshest words are grace to you. Even expressions of anger will bless your life.
I love the Church. The church is not the Lord and when the leaders of the church desire the body to hear their words more than the Masters, we are
flurting with returning to a "Rome" centered church. Jesus Christ desires to be the center of the church even when we make Him stand at the door and knock to get in. When we consider how well we can do church without God, we ought to be desirous even more to inquire from Him directly.
I encourage you to give up media and conversation for sevral hours and listen for God. Even if He gives you the gift of not speaking (silence) you will be better for that gift directly from Him. All our selfish gifts to ourselves in His name will not advance us as far as receiving nothing directly from His hand. I know that is hard for the natural mind to grasp but it is true none the less.
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