Be Like Jesus

To be like Jesus you must not try and copy Jesus.  We are not called by God to steal the idenity of Jesus. It seems many look at the life of Jesus and say, "he did that so I'm gonna do that too".  God calls us to follow Him and not just "copy" His Son. 

If you were to copy Jesus, copy His heart, not His outward deeds,  To copy outward deeds would be a striving to live according to the flesh.  You would be seeking to emulate good flesh, but flesh none the least.  Like our words, our deeds are to be a manifestation of our heart.  To produce miracles, drive out evil spirits or raise the dead does not come from external conformity but inward transformation.  

God made Adam to be a being that was not God, yet in relationship with God.  If God wanted more Angles or more Sons (of the Jesus sort) He would make some.  God created sons of the human sort and calls us in our humanity to be Christ like, not Christ himself.  We have limited power,  authority and purpose.  We are "not like Jesus at all" in that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father.  Jesus was the expression of God on earth.  Jesus lacked nothing and was filled beyond measure with the Holy Spirit.  We, on the other hand are only a part, have limited infilling and by God's design need each other to make a part.  Put a thousand of us working together in unified diversity and we have a "small part" of what God is doing on the earth.

When we read the Bible let's seen and understand what God desires for us (plural).  Let's be quick to live with fisherman, traitors, proud Peters and doubting Thomas's,   As the parable of the sower reveals,  fruit will follow good soil.   Just as Jesus waited on God 30 years for an infilling and release into service, maybe we too should have a heart that is patient,  kind, willing to yield and slow to anger.


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