Holiday Prayers
4 Holiday Prayers from Luke Life is busy, and the demands are many this time of year. While the darkness fills more of our days than light, we make preparation for the light to come. We long for both the appearing of Jesus and the return of the long days of the sun. We know that both, Jesus, and light make a difference in our life. It is a metaphor and it is a reality. Jesus brings to us the beginning of the end of the reign of darkness. The life and light of God have been birthed in our world. We now love and care for Jesus among us. We watch over Him as He grows in our midst. Four short prayers can be extracted from the storyline in Luke chapter 1. Prayers that we who seek the appearing of the Lord in our lives can join in praying. Prayers that occur in the fast pace of life, in the circumstances of giving birth, of travel, and in celebration. I have reduced these prayers down to simple sentences that we can offer to God as we go through our day. They are simple in ex...