Not hearing, not understanding God
In Luke 20 leaders are wondering "by what authority" Jesus was doing what He was doing. Today we do this too. We wonder about our lives and what right God has to withhold, to require, to judge or to love. We often believe that the events of our lives should be based on our faith, our labor or our status. When God acts is ways different than our intentions, we wonder by what authority He is working. Luke 20:1-8 ESV One day, as Jesus was teaching the people in the temple and preaching the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes with the elders came up (2) and said to him, "Tell us by what authority you do these things, or who it is that gave you this authority." (3) He answered them, "I also will ask you a question. Now tell me, (4) was the baptism of John from heaven or from man?" (5) And they discussed it with one another, saying, "If we say, 'From heaven,' he will say, 'Why did you not believe him?' (6) But if...