There is a beauty in the ways of God that call us to experience more than just the rules. Wonder is found in the quest to experience God and not settle in for being more moral, saved or chosen. It is not that being moral, saved or chosen by God are bad things, they are not. They are fruit we enjoy as we undergo a transformation. As God gets deeper inside of us, we are not just changed on the outside or in our thought life. Our whole being is changed. We live with both a call to hide and not to be hidden. Matthew calls us to be a candle and a city seen and known (Matthew 5:14-15). And then in a few verses, Matthew calls us to practice three things in hiddenness. Giving to the poor, prayer and fasting are three areas that light hides so that it may be light. Scriptures used in this blog are posted at the end. Jesus shows us who God is and how He works. In Jesus demonstrating God to us, we see that Jesus is the light of the world and that “all the treasure and wisdom and know...