
Showing posts from October, 2017

10 Mysteries in Prayer

OK, these 10 items are not truly mysteries. They are the common teaching of the Church long forgotten. So I thought I might remind us. Later I hope to post a few more. I also want people to know about a call to prayer for the coming year. This call is a plan I have to help people who are discouraged or shaken by conditions in their life. I want to help people have a more secure foundation so that they can not be easily shaken. That upcoming call to prayer will allow everyone, the most mature and the new person to prayer, to connect with God. We will repair and rebuild the foundation of prayer. And most of us will find it more enjoyable than not. The key elements of this prayer time will be love, listening, petition and obeying. But more on that later. Also, a Bonus on prayer can be found at the bottom of the page, 10 mysteries of prayer from Rodney Drury How can you do this? Pray without ceasing; 1 Thessalonians 5:17 By combining it with this verse. Ther...