How to know God, not just about Him?
How do you know God, not just about Him? Click to go to Rod's Blog Paul prayed for the community at Ephesians to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Lord. That knowledge would bring enlightenment, hope and a weightiness that produced a confidence in their relationship with God while they lived on the earth. Knowing who God is was to the early church essential as they lacked creeds and community. Little out stations of believers striving to resist the world, lacking scriptures or experienced teachers were in need of something that would answer their questions and give direction to their daily life. Today many of us find we have returned to the place of the early followers of Jesus. No longer in a culture that is filled with God’s truth and righteousness, we seek to live as light in a world that is hostile to God. Some of this hostility is caused by a passion for self, some of it is a reaction to the failures and faults of the Christia...