
Showing posts from December, 2013

Peoria Prayer Center Moving Forward

Peoria Prayer Center Moving Forward What has been happening? Over the last year and a half many of us have gone through numerous transitions and changes.  If you are like me your daily life has gone through numerous alterations.  I have gone through health issues, car accidents, new employment, changes in my family dynamics, loss of friends and the gaining of others, new church life dynamics and battles with technology and production.  I could describe my life as a new theme park ride, one that combines a rollercoaster, a merry go round and some kind of superman in the dark ride. Until recently I would have told you that I didn’t know what I was doing, I was trying to be faithful and obey the Lord.  Then in a season of mercy from God, I felt Him enlighten me on His ways and reveal to me that I have been on His plan for discipleship.  I have often said, “God uses our daily life to disciple us.”  I now know that on a much deeper level....