Contemplation 101
Christ Jesus is an overcomer; He defeated His enemy and wins the battle and the legal case (Two aspects of overcoming in the Bible). We are call to be people of God who overcome also. We are to be those who defeat the works of Satan and who labor so that the Kingdom of God comes to earth. Most followers of Jesus Christ believe that we should overcome. We also differ vastly in how we are to overcome. We may have a Biblical view, or one given by revelation, or one broadcast by Christian culture or from the cultural christianity that we are in. Most likely we have a mixture of Bible, revelation, opinion and culture. So how can we move toward maturity? How can we see advancement in our renewed mind? How can we walk more and more in transformation? I believe the answer is prayer. Contemplative prayer is a tool used by the people of God for centuries for maturing in the faith and living the lives God asked of them. Contemplative...